Monday, March 25, 2013

Two Quotes for Lenten Reflection

This post is exactly what the title says. Both quotes are from The Spiritual Life by Evelyn Underhill:
We mostly spend [our scattered lives] conjugating three verbs: to Want, to Have, and to Do. Craving, clutching, and fussing, on the material, political, social, emotional, intellectual--even on the religious--plane, we are kept in perpetual unrest: forgetting that none of these verbs have any ultimate significance, except so far as they are transcended by and included in, the fundamental verb, to Be: and that Being, not wanting, having and doing, is the essence of a spiritual life. [20]
The action of those whose lives are given to the Spirit has in it something of the leisure of Eternity: and because of this, they achieve far more than those whose lives are enslaved by the rush and hurry, the unceasing tick-tick of the world. In the spiritual life it is very important to get our timing right. Otherwise we tend to forget that God, Who is greater than our heart, is greater than our job too. It is only when we have learnt all that this means that we possess the key to the Kingdom of Heaven. [97-98]

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